
Viewer API version v5.17.2

Table of Contents


The global Onemap api. After loading the viewer library, this global is available as For backwards compatibility, the global is also still accessible through window.wgp.

Type: Object


This is the entry point for initializing the Onemap viewer that initializes the viewer with a config object into a container DOM node. It returns a promise that resolves with an api instance that can be used to control that viewer.


  • initialAppConfig Object The viewer configuration object obtained from the Onemap backend.
  • containerElement HTMLElement A DOM-node that will host the Onemap viewer.
  • options object Options. (optional, default {})

    • options.customMessages object? Optional translations for the viewer. When given, the viewer will use these translations instead of trying to fetch its own translations over the network.
    • options.moveTolerance number? Optional movement tolerance in pixels. This is used in the mobile display to differentiate between a touch and touch + drag. Defaults to 5 pixels.
    • options.forceMobileLayout boolean? Force mobile layout. When true, the viewer will always use the mobile device layout, even for fullscreen and embedded viewers. Default false.
    • options.allowInlineStyles boolean? When false, disable viewer components that inject style elements into the DOM. Blocking these may be necessary for embedded viewers that use a strict Content Security Policy. Default true.
    • options.useNativeSelect boolean? When true, use native html select input component. Default false.
    • options.applyOffsetCorrection boolean? Set to true if select option menus are displaced relative to the input box. This can happen in some embedded maps that are offset from the top left of a web page. Default false.
    • options.enableScrollZoom boolean? Set to true to enable zoom on mouse scroll. This is disabled by default for embedded maps.
    • options.mapParams object? Optional map parameters to merge into existing map parameters on init.
    • options.snapshot object? Optional snapshot object (created by which will be applied on init.


// Initialize a viewer from a map config object.
const appConfig = {...}; // Replace this with an actual app config object.

// Point Onemap to the folder containing the Onemap viewer library code and assets.

// Initialize the viewer in a div with id 'om-viewer'.
om.init(appConfig, document.getElementById('om-viewer')).then(api => {
  // Use returned api object to control the viewer.
  console.log('Viewer api ready for use.');

Returns Promise<OMApi> The Onemap api instance for the initialized viewer.


Set the onemap asset folder url. Call this method before calling initViewer to set the name and location of the Onemap lib folder.


  • url string The app root url. Defaults to ‘/’.

Returns void


Set the JWT token used to call Onemap endpoints that require authorization.


  • jwtToken string The JWT token.

Returns void


Set the onemap server url. Set this url if you use any services that require authorization via the (possibly remote) Onemap proxy.


  • url string The Onemap server url. Defaults to ‘/’ for self-hosted Onemap installations.

Returns void


Fetch a configuration object for a specific map. Note: JWT token has to be set before calling this method.


Returns Promise<object> A promise that will resolve with a map configuration object.


The Onemap api object returned from initViewer, do not instantiate directly


  • options (optional, default {})




Update one or more map parameters by supplying an object. Values present in the supplied object will be updated. Also updates the values of the current_date and current_datetime map parameters.


  • params object Object with parameters to update.

Returns void


Destroy the map associated with this API instance. Call this method before initializing a new map in this map’s DOM Node.

Returns void

An instance of OMSearch to perform dynamic searches.

Type: OMSearch


An instance of OMMap to control the viewer after initialization.

Type: OMMap


An instance of OMSketch to control the viewer after initialization.

Type: OMSketch


An instance of OMMeasure to control the viewer after initialization.

Type: OMMeasure


An instance of OMTree to read and manipulate the layer tree after viewer initialization.

Type: OMTree


An instance of OMGeolocation to handle geolocation functionality after viewer initialization.

Type: OMGeolocation


An instance of OMEdit to handle editing after viewer initialization.

Type: OMEdit


An instance of OMUtils containing general utility functions available after viewer initialization.

Type: OMUtils


An instance of OMFeatureInfo for reading and controlling feature info display after viewer initialization.

Type: OMFeatureInfo


Get an object containing the currently set map parameters.

Returns object Current map parameters object.


The Onemap event bus used for transmitting events from the viewer.


Register an event handler for an event type.


  • eventName string The event to listen for, or ‘*’ to listen to any event.
  • eventHandler function The event handler. The handler will be called with a single event arg for a named event. The handler will be called with eventName and eventArg when the handler is registered as a wildcard handler.

Examples'', ({ coordinate }) => {
  console.log(`User clicked here: (${coordinate.join()}).`);
});'*', (eventName, evt) => {
  if (eventName === 'map.move') {
    console.log('Map moved to ',;

Returns void


Register an event handler for an event type, but the handler is immediately unregistered after handling the event.


  • eventName string The event to listen for, or ‘*’ to listen to any event.
  • eventHandler function The event handler. The handler will be called with a single event arg for a named event. The handler will be called with eventName and eventArg when the handler is registered as a wildcard handler.

Examples'', ({ coordinate }) => {
  console.log(`User clicked here: (${coordinate.join()}).`);

Returns void


Unregister an event handler for an event type.


  • eventName string The event to stop listening to.
  • eventHandler function The event handler.


function handleClick() { ... }'', handleClick);

Returns void


Feature info for a single feature.

Type: object


  • layerId string The id of the layer containing the feature.
  • featureId string The id of the feature.
  • properties object The raw properties of the feature.
  • html string The templated feature info.
  • geometry GeoJSONGeometry The feature geometry as GeoJSON geometry.


Feature info for a single feature.

Type: object


  • layerId string The id of the layer the error happened in.
  • message string The error message.


Feature info slide properties.

Type: object


  • index number The currently visible slide index.
  • layerId string The id of the layer containing the feature.
  • featureId string The id of the feature corresponding to the visible slide.
  • properties object The raw properties of the feature.
  • geometry GeoJSONGeometry The feature geometry in map projection. Null if no geometry is available.


Emitted after use requests feature info by clicking on the map with the info tool active.

Type: object


  • coordinate Array<number> The location at which feature info was requested, in map projection.


Emitted after feature info results have been obtained.

Type: object


  • results Array<FeatureInfoResult> An array of feature info results, one result per feature near the feature info request location.
  • errors Array<FeatureInfoError> An array of error objects for each layer that gave an error when attempting to get feature info.


Emitted after a single feature info slide is first displayed or when the visible slide changed.

Type: object


  • currentSlide FeatureInfoSlide Properties of the currently visible feature info. The currentSlide property is null when feature info is closed or otherwise ceases to be visible.


Emitted after feature info is cleared by the user (or through the API).


Emitted when edit transaction starts for a layer.

Type: object



Emitted after edit transaction succeeds for a layer.

Type: object



Emitted if edit transaction fails for a layer.

Type: object



Emitted after new features have been sucessfully inserted into a layer.

Type: object


  • layerId string Layer id.
  • features Array<GeoJSONFeature> An array of GeoJSON features that have been inserted.


Emitted after a feature geometry has been successfully updated.

Type: object


  • layerId string Layer id.
  • featureId string Id of the feature to update.
  • geometry GeoJSONGeometry The new geometry as GeoJSON geometry.


Emitted after feature properties have been successfully updated.

Type: object


  • layerId string Layer id.
  • featureId string Id of the feature to update.
  • properties object New feature properties. Contains only properties that were updated.


Emitted after features are deleted from a layer.

Type: object


  • layerId string Layer id.
  • featureIds Array<string> An array of feature id’s that have been deleted from the layer.


Emitted when the mouse cursor position changes. Mouse position has the same projection as the map.

Type: object


  • coordinate (Array<number> | null) The mouse pointer coordinate in map projection. Coordinate is null when the cursor leaves the map or hovers over a UI interface element.


Emitted when the rotation of the map changes.

Type: object


  • rotation number The map rotation in radians.

Emitted when the user clicks on the map. Click position has the same projection as the map.

Type: object


  • coordinate Array<number> The map click coordinate in map projection.
  • lonlat Array<number> Map click coordinate in CRS:84 as [lon, lat].


Emitted when the user clicks on vector features on the map. It contains a hits lookup with clicked feature id’s per layer id.

Type: object


  • hits object Hit lookup table. Each layer id in this object contains an array of feature ids.


Emitted after map viewport has changed. This event is not emitted during map drag/rotation.

Type: object


  • center Array<number> The map center as [x, y] in map projection.
  • zoom number The zoom level.
  • resolution number The map resolution.
  • rotation number The map rotation in radians in clockwise direction.


Emitted when a layer starts loading data.

Type: object


  • layerId string The layer id.


Emitted when all data has been loaded for a layer.

Type: object


  • layerId string The layer id.


Emitted when a layer cannot be loaded completely because of a network and/or service error.

Type: object


  • layerId string The layer id.
  • errorMsg string The error that happened during layer loading.


Emitted when the selected feature set of a layer changes.

Type: object


  • layerId string The layer id.
  • fids Array<string> An array of selected feature id’s.


Emitted when layer visibility changes.

Type: object


  • layerId string The layer id.
  • visibility bool The new layer visibility.


Emitted when the user finishes drawing a sketch. Note: the coordinates of the feature are in map projection!

Type: object


  • feature object The sketch as GeoJSON feature.


Emitted when the user modifies a a sketch feature. Note: the coordinates of the feature are in map projection!

Type: object


  • feature object The modified feature as GeoJSON feature.


Emitted when the user draws an invalid sketch geometry.

Type: object


  • message string The error message.


Emitted when a new vertex is added to a sketch geometry. Since polygons are always closed, the first point will be emitted as newPoint when finalizing a polygon drawing. To check if a new point is a polygon self-closing point, check the closingPoint flag of the event.

Type: object


  • coordinates Array<Number> The coordinates of the new vertex.
  • selfClosingPoint bool Equals true when the new point is the point that closes a polygon.


Emitted when the user finishes drawing a measure. Note: the coordinates of the feature are in map projection!

Type: object


  • feature object The measure as GeoJSON feature.


Emitted when the user draws an invalid measure geometry.

Type: object


  • message string The error message.


An object for performing dynamic searches without using the search elements in the viewer. Do not instantiate this class directly. A OMSearch instance is provided as after initializing a viewer. The search engine uses PDOK Locatieserver under the hood.


Search for autocomplete suggestions for a given search query. Up to ten matches are returned ordered by descending match score.


  • query object The search query parameters.

    • query.text string The search query text.
    • query.constraint string? An optional search constraint. In case of PDOK search, this is an optional municipality filter.

Returns Promise<Array<AutocompleteSuggestion» A promise that resolves with an array of autocomplete suggestions.


Search for best matching result for the given query. The centroid of the result is returned as a GeoJSON feature collection in CRS:84 projection. If you want to nagivate to the result in the viewer, you can do that as follows:


  • query object The search query parameters.

    • query.text string The search query text.
    • query.constraint string? An optional search constraint. In case of PDOK search, this is an optional municipality filter.

Examples => {
  const feature = featureCollection.features[0];
  // Result may be empty if no match is found, so don't forget to check.
  if (feature) {
    const [lon, lat] = feature.geometry.coordinates;[lon, lat], {
      srid: 'CRS:84',
      // zoom: 14, // optional zoom level

Returns Promise<GeoJSON> A promise that resolves with a the query results as GeoJSON point feature collection.



  • coordinate Array<number> Input coordinate in CRS:84 as [lon, lat].

Returns Promise<ReverseGeocodeResult> A promise that resolves with the reverse geocoding result.


OMSearch autocomplete suggestion result.

Type: Object


  • value any Search result value.
  • label string Search result display label as text.
  • formattedLabel string? If the search engine supports it, formattedLabel contains the search result formatted as HTML with matching parts highlighted.


OMSearch reverse geocode result.

Type: Object


  • formattedLocation string Location description as formatted string.
  • data object? Optional object with properties describing the location.
  • geometry object? Location as GeoJSON geometry (in CRS:84, if the geocode service provides one).


An object for controlling the map in the viewer. Do not instantiate this class directly. A OMMap instance is provided on after initializing a viewer.


Get current view parameters like center/extent/zoom level. Returns an object with:

  • center: current map center in map projection.
  • extent: current view extent in map projection.
  • zoom: current zoom level.
  • resolution: current approximate resolution in map units/pixel.
  • pointResolution: current calculated resolution in meters/pixel.
  • rotation: current map rotation in degrees clockwise.

Returns object Current view params.


Zooms the map in one step.

Returns void


Zooms the map out one step.

Returns void


Zoom to a given extent. The viewport will try to match the given extent as closely as possible, taking into account minimum and maximum visible extent allowed by the map configuration.


  • extent Array<number> Bounds array: [left, bottom, right, top].
  • options object Extra options for zooming to extent. (optional, default {})

    • options.srid string? The spatial reference id of the given extent, e.g. ‘CRS:84’. If no SRID is given, the map SRID is assumed.
    • options.maxZoom number? The maximum zoom level to zoom to. Default 15. Use this option when the extent is very small.

Returns void


Zoom to initial map extent.

Returns void


Zoom to the extent of a GeoJSON feature collection. The viewport will try to match the given extent as closely as possible, taking into account minimum and maximum visible extent allowed by the map configuration.


  • featureCollection GeoJSONFeatureCollection GeoJSON feature collection.
  • options object Extra options for zooming to extent. (optional, default {})

    • options.srid string? The spatial reference id of feature coordinates, e.g. ‘CRS:84’. If no SRID is given, the map SRID is assumed.
    • options.maxZoom number? The maximum zoom level to zoom to. Default 15. Use this option when the extent is very small.

Returns void


Zoom to the extent of all selected features.


  • options object Extra options for zooming to extent. (optional, default {})

    • options.maxZoom number? The maximum zoom level to zoom to. Default 24. Use this option when the extent is very small.

Returns void


Zoom the map to fit the contents of a vector layer. This function does nothing when called on an image based layer.


  • layer OMLayer A Onemap layer wrapper.
  • options object Options. (optional, default {})

    • options.maxZoom number? Max zoom level. Useful when the layer contains a single feature.

Returns void


Reposition the map to a new center.


  • center Array<number> Center as [x, y].
  • options object Extra options for zooming to extent. Note: zoom result may be restricted by map settings. (optional, default {})

    • options.srid string? The spatial reference id of the given center, e.g. ‘EPSG:4326’. If no SRID is given, the map SRID is assumed.
    • options.zoom number? The zoom level to set on the map. When given the map zoom is set as wel as the new center.
    • options.zoomRadiusM number? Optional zoom distance in meters. Can be used instead of an integer zoom level. When given, zoom in to the largest integer zoom level such that a circle with radius zoomRadiusM fits in the viewport.

Returns void


Set the rotation of the map.


  • rotation number Rotation of map in radians.

Returns void


Switch selection mode on or off. In selection mode, map clicks add features to the layer’s selected feature set. Alt+Clicking a feature removes it from the selection set.


  • active bool Selection mode active state. Set to true or false to turn selection mode on or off, respectively.

Returns void


Get the layer wrapper instance for a layer with given layer id.


  • layerId string The layer id.

Returns OMLayer A Onemap layer wrapper instance or undefined when no layer with given id can be found in the map.


Get an array of layer wrappers in top-to-bottom layer tree order.

Returns Array<OMLayer> An array of layers in top-to-bottom layer tree order.


Get an array of layer wrappers for layers with matching title or name.


  • titleOrName string The layer title or name to match. Layer title is the title of the layer in the viewer. Layer name is the name of the layer as listed in the layer’s service capabilities document.

Returns Array<OMLayer> An array of OMLayer instances matching the title or name.


Make the map container full screen (if allowed). This method needs to be called from within an event handler or otherwise it will be denied.

Returns void


Exit full screen mode. This method needs to be called from within an event handler or otherwise it will be denied.

Returns void


Check if fullscreen mode is enabled for this page.

Returns boolean True if fullscreen mode is enabled;


Create snapshot of current map viewer state.


  • snapshot object Map snapshot object.

Returns void


Create snapshot of current map viewer state.

Returns object Map snapshot object.


An object for controlling the map in the viewer. Do not instantiate this class directly. A OMSketch instance is provided as api.sketch after initializing a viewer.


Switch the viewer to sketch mode.


  • sketchMode string One of Point, LineString, Polygon, Circle, or Box.
  • options object Sketch options.

    • options.clearPrevious boolean When true, previous sketches with the same category are cleared after finishing a new one. Default true.
    • options.stopAfterSketch boolean When true, sketch.stop() is called automatically after finishing a sketch. Default false.
    • options.addSketchToMap boolean When true, the sketch is added to the map after firing the sketchComplete event. Default true.
    • options.category string When added to the map, features will get this category tag. Default value ‘sketchDefault’.
    • options.freehand bool When true, drawing operates in freehand mode. Does nothing for mode Point or Circle. Default false.
    • options.toolAction string Action of the tool used for sketch. For internal use only. Defaults to ‘api-sketch’.


Stop sketching in the map. This cancels the current sketch being drawn.

Returns void


Start a feature modify interaction in the map. This cancels any sketch in progress. When the mouse cursor moves near a feature edge or vertex it turns into a control point. Click and drag the control point to move it, modifying the feature.

Returns void


Stop the feature modify interaction in the map.

Returns void


Clear the sketch layer by removing all sketch features for a given category. If no category is given, only removes sketch features that have been drawn by the user (sketchDefault category).


  • category string? Clear sketches with this category property value. Use ‘*’ to clear all sketch features. (optional, default 'sketchDefault')

Returns void


Adds features to the sketch layer. Features will be transformed to map projection. If the source features are not in lon/lat (CRS:84), you have to supply the source srid as options.sourceSrid.

It is possible to style features by adding style parameters to the feature properties. See the SketchStyleProps type definition for available style parameters.


  • features object A GeoJSON feature collection.
  • options object Options.

    • options.srid string SRS identifier string of source data projection. When not given, CRS:84 is assumed as per GeoJSON specification.
    • options.sourceSrid string deprecated Same as srid, but will be deprecated in a later version. Use options.srid instead.
    • options.category string Sketch category. Default value is ‘sketchDefault’.

Returns void


Get sketch features as GeoJSON feature collection.

Returns GeoJSONFeatureCollection GeoJSON feature collection of all sketch features in map projection.


Get sketch feature by ID.


  • featureId string Sketch feature ID.

Returns GeoJSONFeature GeoJSON feature with the specified ID.


Get selected sketch features as GeoJSON feature collection.

Returns GeoJSONFeatureCollection GeoJSON feature collection of all selected sketch features in map projection.


Update a single sketch feature by providing an updateFeature as GeoJSON feature. The feature with the same id as the updateFeature will be updated. If the update feature has a geometry, the geometry will be updated. If the update feature has properties, the properties of the feature will be updated.


  • updateFeature GeoJSONFeature The update feature.

Returns void


Remove a single sketch feature by id.


  • featureId string ID of feature to remove.

Returns void


Remove selected sketch features.

Returns void


Select sketch features by id.


  • fids Array<string> Array of sketch feature id’s to select.

Returns void


Unselect sketch features by id.


  • fids Array<string> Array of sketch feature id’s to unselect.

Returns void


Unselect all selected sketch features.

Returns void


Select sketch features intersecting the given query geometry.


  • queryGeometry GeoJSONGeometry Query geometry in map projection.
  • options object Options.

    • options.within boolean? If true, only select features entirely within the given geometry. Default false.

Returns void


Sketch style properties.

Type: object


  • strokeWidth number Stroke width in css pixels.
  • strokeColor string Stroke color as #ABCDEF hex string.
  • strokeOpacity number Stroke opacity (number between 0 and 1).
  • fillColor string Fill color as #ABCDEF hex string.
  • fillOpacity number Fill opacity (number between 0 and 1).
  • pointRadius number Point radius in css pixels.


An object for controlling measurements in the map. Do not instantiate this class directly. A OMMeasure instance is provided as api.measure after initializing a viewer.


Switch the viewer to measure mode.


  • measureMode string One of LineString, Polygon, or Circle.
  • options object measure options.

    • options.clearPrevious boolean When true, previous measurments are cleared after finishing a new one. Default true.
    • options.stopAfterMeasure boolean When true, measure.stop() is called automatically after finishing a measure. Default false.


Stop measuring in the map. This cancels the current measure being drawn.

Returns void


Clear the measure layer by removing all measure features.

Returns void


Get measurements as GeoJSON feature collection. This includes circle radial lines and measurement labels.

Returns GeoJSONFeatureCollection GeoJSON feature collection of all measurements in map projection.


An api wrapper for working with layers in the Onemap viewer. Do not instantiate this class directly, but use a map api method for obtaining a wrapper for a layer from the map. Methods that perform an action on the layer return the layer wrapper to make it easy to apply multiple actions in a chain.


  • id string The Onemap layer id.
  • title string The layer title.
  • name string The layer name as advertised in the capabilitites document of the layer’s service.
  • identifierFields Array<string> An array of field names that identify features in the layer.
  • fields object A hashmap of fieldname -> field type as string. Note: for OGC layers, the field type is taken as-is from the layer capabilities document without xsd:-prefix.
  • geometryFieldName string The name of the geometry field. Equals null for non-WFS layers.


Gets a layer’s features as a GeoJSON feature collection object. The features will be returned in the same projection as the map, unless options.srid is specified. Returns an empty featureCollection if the layer does not have a vector source.


  • options object Options.

    • options.srid string? When given, Onemap will transform the features to the projection with the requested SRS identifier. Use CRS:84 to conform to the GeoJSON standard. GetGeoJSONFeatures will throw when the requested projection is not available.
    • options.bbox Array<number>? When given, only return features whose bbox intersects the given bbox. Bbox projection must equal the map projection.
    • options.queryGeometry GeoJSONGeometry? When given, return only those features that intersect the given query geometry. The query geometry must be in map projection. The bbox option is ignored when querying with geometry.
    • options.within bool? If true, only return features fully within the query geometry. Default false.

Returns object The layer’s features as GeoJSON feature collection.


Gets a feature by feature id from the layer as a GeoJSON feature. The feature will be returned in the same projection as the map, unless options.srid is specified. Returns null if the feature with the given id does not exist in the layer or if the layer does not have a vector source.


  • featureId string The id of the feature.
  • options object Options.

    • options.srid string When given, Onemap will transform the features to the projection with the requested SRS identifier. Use CRS:84 to conform to the GeoJSON standard. GetGeoJSONFeatures will throw when the requested projection is not available.

Returns object A GeoJSON feature with the requested id.


Adds features to a vector layer. Features will be transformed to map projection. If the source features are not in lon/lat (CRS:84), you have to supply the source srid as options.sourceSrid.


  • features object A GeoJSON feature collection.
  • options object Options.

    • options.srid string SRS identifier string of source data projection.
    • options.sourceSrid string deprecated Same as srid, but will be deprecated in a later version. Use options.srid instead. When not given, CRS:84 is assumed as per GeoJSON specification.

Returns void


Loads features from WFS layer source as GeoJSON. If the source is not a WFS source, this method property will be undefined.


  • bbox Array<number> The bbox used in the GetFeatures request. Set this to null to request features without bbox.
  • options object Loader options.

    • options.srid string The projection srid for the requested features. When not provided, the map srid will be used. If a bounding box is provided, it must be in the projection indicated by the given srid.
    • options.filter OMFilter An optional filter used to load the features. This filter will be combined with the bbox parameter, if any is provided.


Removes all features from a vector layer.

Returns void


Reload the layer. This only works for layers that request data from a remote source.

Returns void


Highlights features in a vector layer.


  • featureIds Array<string> An array of feature id’s to highlight.

Returns void


Unhighlights features in a vector layer.


  • featureIds Array<string> An array of feature id’s to unhighlight.

Returns void


Change the visibility of the layer.


  • visible bool The layer visibility.

Returns OMLayer The OMLayer instance.


Get current layer visibility.

Returns bool Current layer visibility.


Change the style of a WMS or vector layer. For WMS layers, style is the style name as advertised by the service. For vector layers, style is an SLD XML string.


  • style string WMS style name, or SLD XML for vector layers.

Returns OMLayer The OMLayer instance.


Get currently active layer style. For WMS layers, style is the style name as advertised by the service. For vector layers, style is an SLD XML string.

Returns string The currently active layer style.


Change the opacity of a layer.


  • opacity double The new layer opacity as a number between 0 and 1.

Returns OMLayer The OMLayer instance.


Set a default filter on a layer, or remove a default filter from a layer. Setting or removing a filter automatically reloads the layer if it’s a WFS layer.


  • filter OMFilter The layer filter as a filter description object. Set the filter to null to remove the filter from the layer.


// A simple comparison filter
  type: 'comparison',
  operator: 'propertyisequalto',
  propertyname: 'category',
  literal: 'vegetables'

// Multiple constraints using 'and'.
  type: 'and',
  predicates: [
      type: 'comparison',
      operator: 'propertyisequalto',
      propertyname: 'class',
      literal: 'birds'
      type: 'comparison',
      operator: 'propertyislike',
      propertyname: 'name',
      literal: '*penguin*'

Returns OMLayer The OMLayer instance.


Hide features within the layer by id. Hidden features cannot be interacted with and are not returned by get(Selected)Features.

Note: hidden features can become unhidden when the layer filter changes.


Returns void


Unhide features within the layer by id.


  • fids Array<string> Array of feature id’s to unhide.

Returns void


Unhide all features within the layer.

Returns void


Select features within the layer by id.


  • fids Array<string> Array of feature id’s to add to the selection.

Returns void


Unselect features within the layer by id.


  • fids Array<string> Array of feature id’s to remove from the selection.

Returns void


Unselect all selected features within the layer.

Returns void


Gets all selected features within the layer features as a GeoJSON feature collection object. The features will be returned in the same projection as the map, unless options.srid is specified. Throws an error if the layer’s source does not have a getFeatures method.


  • options object Options.

    • options.srid string When given, Onemap will transform the features to the projection with the requested SRS identifier. Use CRS:84 to conform to the GeoJSON standard. GetGeoJSONFeatures will throw when the requested projection is not available.

Returns object The layer’s features as GeoJSON feature collection.


Select all features matching a filter.


  • omFilter OMFilter Onemap filter description object.


Zoom to the extent of the data in a vector layer. Calling this method on a layer without a vector source does nothing.


  • options object Options. (optional, default {})

    • options.maxZoom number? By default, the viewer zooms to at most zoom level 15 when the layer data extent is very small. Use this option to override the max zoom level.

Returns OMLayer The OMLayer instance.


Zoom to the extent of the selected features in a vector layer. Calling this method on a layer without selected features does nothing.


  • options object Options. (optional, default {})

    • options.maxZoom number? By default, the viewer zooms to at most zoom level 15 when the selection extent is very small. Use this option to override the max zoom level.

Returns OMLayer The OMLayer instance.


Get features from a layer intersecting a given geometry.


  • geometry GeoJSONGeometry GeoJSON geometry. Coordinates must be in map projection.
  • options object Options.

    • options.within boolean? If true, only select features entirely within the given geometry. Default false.

Returns Array<GeoJSONFeature> An array of GeoJSON features intersecting the input geometry.


Select features within the layer intersecting a given GeoJSON geometry.


  • geometry GeoJSONGeometry GeoJSON geometry. Coordinates must be in map projection.
  • options object Options.

    • options.within boolean? If true, only select features entirely within the given geometry. Default false.

Returns void


Edit controller for the layer. Note: call the .supportsEditing method of the controller to find out if editing is supported for the layer.


An api wrapper for controlling edits on a layer through a registered edit protocol function. Do not instantiate this class directly, but access it through the OMLayer.edit property.


  • id string The Onemap layer id.


Check whether editing is supported for the layer.

Returns bool True if editing is supported.


Process a single edit transaction. You can process a mix of inserts, updates and deletes.


  • inserts Array<GeoJSONFeature> An array of GeoJSON features to insert. The coordinates have to be in the layer’s default projection.
  • updates Array<GeoJSONFeature> An array of GeoJSON features to update. Each feature should have an id equal to the id of the feature you want to update. If the feature has a geometry, the geometry will be updated. The coordinates have to be in the layer’s default projection. If the feature has a properties block, only the properties present in the feature will be updated.
  • deletes Array<string> An array of feature ids to delete.
  • options object Transaction options. (optional, default {})

    • options.resumeOnTransactionError boolean? Default false. If true, treat a failed transaction as success. This unblocks the layer from performing another transaction.
    • options.reloadAfterEdit boolean? Default false. By default, edits are applied in-memory to the loaded features. Setting this option to true forces a full layer reload after transaction success.

Returns Promise A promise that resolves when the edit transaction succeeds, or fails with an error message detailing the reason the edit failed.


Show an interactive form for editing attributes of a single feature, or multiple features at once.


  • featureIdArray (string | Array<string>) The id of the feature to edit or an array of feature ids. Will throw an error if one or more features cannot be found in the layer. Will also throw if another transaction is still in progress.
  • deselectAfterSave bool When true, deselect edited features after update. Default false.


Show an interactive form for editing attributes of new feature to insert into the layer data source. Will throw if another transaction is still in progress.


  • geometry GeoJSONGeometry The GeoJSON geometry of the feature to insert into the layer data source. This geometry has to be in the layer’s default projection.


An object for controlling the layer tree in the viewer. Do not instantiate this class directly. A OMTree instance is provided on api.tree after initializing a viewer.


Get the current state of the viewer layer tree.

Returns OMTreeNode The layer tree root node.


Set a layer tree node visible or invisible.


  • nodeId **(string number)** The node id found on the OMTreeNode.
  • visible bool The group/layer visibility.
  • recursive bool If true, also set the visibility of layers within subgroups of the group node. If false, visibility will be applied to the direct layer children of the group node. (optional, default true)

Returns void


Show or hide a layer for the user in the layer tree component. This only hides a layer in the user interface. The layer itself is still present in the map.


  • layerId string The id of the layer to show/hide.
  • hidden bool Set to true to hide the layer in the layer tree.

Returns void


A layer tree node from the response of OMTree.getLayerTree().


  • id **(string number)** Node id.
  • isGroup bool True if the node is a group node.
  • multiple bool For group nodes, true if the layer group may have more than one visible layer.
  • visible bool For layer nodes, true if the layer is visible.
  • children Array<OMTreeNode> Child nodes. Only present within group nodes.


Class that wraps native geolocation functionality. Do not instantiate this class directly. A OMGeolocation instance is provided on api.geolocation after initializing a viewer.


Get the current location. Returns a promise that will resolve with a OMGeolocationResult if a location can be determined. This is a plain object representation of a

Returns Promise<OMGeolocationResult> Promise that resolves with a geolocation result.


Zoom to current location (with optional zoom level parameter).


  • zoom number? Optional zoom level to zoom to. Defaults to 14.

Returns void


Start geolocation watch mode. In watch mode, a marker is displayed on the map corresponding to the current GPS location.


  • options object? Options.

    • options.zoomToPosition boolean? If true, zoom in after first position received. Default false.
    • options.zoomRadiusM number? Zoom in to this radius (in meters) if zoomToPosition is true. Default 100.

Returns void


Clear geolocation watch mode.

Returns void


An object describing a geolocation position. This is a plain object wrapper for


  • latitude number Latitude in decimal degrees.
  • longitude number Longitude in decimal degrees.
  • altitude number Altitude in meters, relative to sea level.
  • accuracy number Position accuracy in meters.
  • altitudeAccuracy number Altitude accuracy in meters.
  • heading number Heading angle in degrees clockwise starting from the north.
  • speed number Velocity in meters per second.


An object describing a geolocation result. This is a plain object wrapper for


  • coords OMGeoPosition Geolocation coordinates.
  • timestamp number Creation time of geolocation result as timestamp with milisecond precision.


An object for managing protocols that manage transactions for saving edits. Do not instantiate this class directly. A OMEdit instance is provided on api.edit after initializing a viewer.


Register a save protocol for a layer. This save protocol is a function that accepts three parameters (inserts, updates, deletes), and returns a promise that resolves when the transaction was a success, and fails with a javascript Error instance detailing what went wrong when a transaction fails.

Explanation of save protocol parameters:

  • inserts: an array of GeoJSON features to insert into the layer data store.
  • updates: an array of GeoJSON features with a valid id.

The layer’s data store is updated with values and geometries for each feature in the updates array.

  • deletes: an array of feature ids (string) to delete from the layer data store.


  • layerId string The id of the layer managed by the save protocol.
  • protocol Function The id of the layer managed by the save protocol.

Returns void


Get the registered save protocol for a layer.


  • layerId string The id of the layer managed by the save protocol.

Returns Function protocol The id of the layer managed by the save protocol.


Register an edit form override function for a layer. This function will be called whenever an edit form would be opened for the layer. This function receives an object with these parameters:

  • layerId: the id of the layer being edited.
  • featureIds: an array with ids of the features being edited, or null if a new feature is being created.
  • formData: an object with the edited feature properties. A default object will be created for new features.
  • jsonSchema: the json schema for the edit form.
  • uiSchema: the ui schema for the edit form.
  • saveChanges: a function that can be called to save any updated values. Only keys present in the changeset will be updated. Pass null to the function to cancel the edit in the viewer.


  • layerId string The id of the layer for which to override the edit form. Use ‘*’ to register a handler for all edit forms. Any form override registered with a specific layer id will take precedence over any handler registered with ‘*’.
  • onFormOpen Function The function to call when the edit form for a layer is opened.

Returns void


Get the edit form override function for a layer.


  • layerId string The id of the layer.

Returns Function The form override handler. Returns the function registered with ‘*’ (if any), if no layer-specific function has been registered. Any form override registered with a specific layer id will take precedence over any handler registered with ‘*’. Returns null if no override has been found.


Pick a single vector layer to snap to. Pass null as layerId to disable snapping in the map.


  • snapLayerId string Id of vector layer.

Returns void


Enable or disable snapping for a vector layer.


  • snapLayerId string Id of vector layer.
  • snapActive bool? Set to true to enable snapping for a vector layer. Set to false to disable snapping.

Returns void


Set a layer for editing. Use this method if there’s more than one editable layer in the map. This method will throw if the layer is not user-editable.


  • layerId string The id of the edit layer. Pass null to reset

Returns void


Activate a specific edit tool (one of “EDIT_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES”, “EDIT_MODIFY_GEOMETRY”, “EDIT_CREATE_POINT”, “EDIT_CREATE_LINE”, “EDIT_CREATE_POLYGON”). This method requires an active edit layer. Use the setEditLayer method to pick the active edit layer before calling this function.



Returns void


Deactivate any active edit tool.

Returns void


Save all user-modified geometries. Only changes made by the ‘modify geometry’ tool are tracked and saved when calling this method.

Returns void


An object containing various utility functions for working with GeoJSON features and geometries. Do not instantiate this class directly. A OMUtils instance is provided on api.utils after initializing a viewer.


Transform an array of [x,y] coordinates to another projection. Returns a new array.


  • coordinates Array<number> Input coordinates as [x, y] array.
  • sourceSrid string Source projection SRID.
  • destSrid string Destination projection SRID.

Returns Array<number> The transformed coordinates.


Transform a GeoJSON geometry to another projection. Returns a new geometry.


  • geometry GeoJSONGeometry Input GeoJSON geometry.
  • sourceSrid string Source projection SRID.
  • destSrid string Destination projection SRID.

Returns GeoJSONGeometry The transformed geometry.


Transform a GeoJSON feature to another projection. Returns a new feature with the same properties except a transformed version of the geometry.


  • feature GeoJSONFeature Input GeoJSON feature.
  • sourceSrid string Source projection SRID.
  • destSrid string Destination projection SRID.

Returns GeoJSONFeature The transformed feature.


Calculate the extent of a GeoJSON feature.


  • feature GeoJSONFeature Input GeoJSON feature.

Returns Array<number> The feature extent as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax].


Parse a CQL filter string expression into a filter object useable by Onemap.


  • cqlFilter string CQL filter string.

Returns object Filter object that can be used by Onemap.

An object for managing functions that can fetch additional information for a single feature. Do not instantiate this class directly. An OMInfoLinnks instance is provided on api.edit after initializing a viewer.

Register an info link for a layer. An info link is an object with the following parameters:

  • id: the id of the info link.
  • title: the title of the info link.
  • fetchInfoFunction: a function that accepts a GeoJSON feature and outputs a Promise that resolves to a string containing additional information for the given feature.


  • layerId string The layer id.
  • infoLinkId string The info link id.
  • title string The info link title.
  • fetchInfoFunction Function A function GeoJSONFeature => Promise that fetches and templates additional information for a given feature.
  • cached bool Default true. When true, cache API response on a per-feature basis..

Returns void

Get a registered info link for a layer.


  • layerId string The id of the layer.
  • infoLinkId string The info link id.

Returns object The info link object for the layer, with {id, title, fetchInfo} properties.

Clear all registered info links for a layer.


  • layerId string The id of the layer.

Returns void


An object for managing functions that can fetch additional information for a single feature. Do not instantiate this class directly. An OMSearchEngines instance is provided on after initializing a viewer.


Register a search engine. This is an object with the following parameters:

  • id: the id of the search engine.
  • title: the title of the search engine.
  • search: a function that accepts a constraint and outputs a Promise that resolves to a GeoJSON feature collection containing features matching the constraint. Passing a null constraint gets all features (up to a certain limit).


  • searchEngineId string The search engine id.
  • title string The search engine title.
  • searchFunction Function A function OMFilter => Promise that fetches
  • metadata object? Optional metadata to store with the search engine, like layer id if the search engine is based on a (WFS) layer. features as a GeoJSON feature collection using the given constraint (which may be null == get all features).

Returns void


Get a registered search engine.


  • searchEngineId string The search engine id.

Returns object The search engine object, with {id, title, layerId, search} properties.


Get all registered search engines.

Returns Array<OMSearchEngine> An array of all registered search engines.


An object containing various utility functions for working feature info requests in the map. Do not instantiate this class directly. An OMFeatureInfo instance is provided on api.featureInfo after initializing a viewer.


Show templated feature info in the viewer for a given set of features, referenced by featureId. This method only works for layers that have a getFeature method. If feature info is configured to be displayed in a popup, the centre of all requested features is used.


  • layerId string The id of the vector layer.
  • featureIds Array<string> An array of feature ids.


Perform a feature info request on the map.


  • xy Array<number> The feature info coördinate in map projection.
  • options object? Feature info request options.

    • options.silent bool If true, suppress sending featureInfo Onemap events. Default false. (optional, default false)
    • options.showInViewer bool If true, show feature info in viewer. Default true. (optional, default true)
    • options.layerIds Array<string> Optional array of layer id’s to query. When not provided, all layers with info configured that are visible in the viewer will be queried.Note: vector layers need to be visible in the viewer to be able to query for feature info, since they use canvas pixel hit detection. WMS layers can be queried when not visible in the viewer.

Returns Promise<object> A promise that will resolve with null if there are no results, or an object containing the feature info results (and errors, if any). This object has two properties (same as the featureInfo.received event object):* results: An array of feature info results, one result per feature near the feature info request location.

  • errors: An array of error objects for each layer that gave an error when attempting to get feature info.


Clear any open feature info displays in the viewer.

Returns void


Register a function to determine if feature info should be shown on hover. This function will receive a GeoJSON feature and must return a boolean to indicate if on-hover info can be shown for this feature. This only applies if the layer has on-hover feature info configured.


  • layerId string Id of the layer for which the ‘show on hover’ function will be applied.
  • showOnHoverInfo Function A function that receives a GeoJSON feature and must return true if feature info should be shown for that feature.

Returns void


Get the function registered with setShowOnHoverInfo.


  • layerId string Id of the layer for which a ‘show on hover’ has been registered.

Returns Function The registered showOnHover function, or null if none has been registered.


The structure of the filter description is modeled after filter operators, see also geoserver.

An OMFilter is closely based on the OGC filter specification, with a few additions.


  • type string Can be one of ‘comparison’, ‘and’, ‘or’, not’.
  • operator string? Required for type=’comparison’.Can be one of ‘propertyisequalto’, ‘propertyisnotequalto’, ‘propertyislessthan’, ‘propertyislessthanorequalto’, ‘propertyisgreaterthan’, ‘propertyisgreaterthanorequalto’, ‘propertyislike’, ‘propertyisbetween’, ‘propertyisnull’, ‘propertyinlist’
  • predicate OMFilter? Required for type=’not’. A single predicate to negate.
  • predicates Array<OMFilter>? Required for type=’and’ or type=’or’. An array of filter predicates that must all evaluate to true for ‘and’, or for which at least one must evaluate to true for ‘or’.
  • propertyname string? Required for type=’comparison’.
  • literal literal? A literal value (string or number) to use in a comparison, required for type=’comparison’, except when operator=’propertyisnull’.
  • literals Array<literal>? Array of literal values (string or number), used together with operator ‘propertyinlist’.
  • lowerboundary literal? Lower boundary, required for operator=’propertyisbetween’.
  • upperboundary literal? Upper boundary, required for operator=’propertyisbetween’.
  • wildcard string? Wildcard character for operator=’propertyislike’. Default is ‘*’.
  • singlechar string? Single char match character for operator=’propertyislike’. Default is ‘.’.
  • escapechar string? Escape character for operator=’propertyislike’. Default is ‘!’.
  • matchcase boolean? Use case sensitive matching for strings. Default true. Does not work for propertyisbetween or propertyisnull.